Monday, July 2, 2012

Fall Out Boy on Monday

To all you aspiring writers (young and old) here's a few tips. With them and a little more luck (trust me, it wouldn't take a lot) you could be a better writer than me!

  1. FIND SOMETHING YOU CAN ACTUALLY WRITE ABOUT. This is one of the ones I have the most trouble with. Sometimes (okay, every time,) my idea seems cool, but then I can't get it from point A to point B.
  2. KEEP IT SIMPLE. For an example on how to mess #2 up, read every installment of Camaboise. Yeah, I know. The first two rules, and I've broke every one.
  3. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR CHARACTERS, CAST FAMOUS PEOPLE. Got a cool concept and need a character, but those are a problem? Need a secondary character? Watch a few movies, and think of actors you like. Then, build the character to act like the actor typically acts. For example: your science fiction manuscript that needed a plucky main character character? That main character now has a thick Austrian accent, a gift for one-liners, and is abusing an experimental steroid.
  4. FIND SOMEONE WHO WON'T LET YOU GIVE UP. Then have them read your story. For me, that "person" is everyone who reads this blog.
  5. MAKE A PLAYLIST. Seriously. If the songs match the mood of what you're writing, then you get more inspired.

Now, for the actual Monday Question: Any tips for me?

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