Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Question: How Did You Graduate?

Hey, everybody! Time for a new Monday Question!

As a recent graduate of Maynard High School (the one in Massachusetts, not the one the other one) I was really impressed about how cool it is to graduate from High School: the mix of accomplishment, nostalgia, relief, triumph and expectation of what's to come is quite amazing. I particularly liked our principal's speech about how she felt like she was also a member of the class of 2012, how she had also come to Maynard in the summer of 2008, just like my class. And now, with all of us graduates, she was moving on. I also liked how she realized that she realized no person could make two amazing speeches (she had also made a very heartwarming speech about Senior Project at Senior Awards night,) so she had the students do most of the talking, either through a pre-written form read aloud by Mr. Keriganis (sorry if I misspelled your name) or one of several speeches given by students.

Now, for all of you who have graduated, what do you remember about graduating from high school? Was it a speech? Saying good-bye to your friends? Getting drunk at a party (don't worry if you post about that, only the entire internet will know)? Look back, and write it below in the comments.


  1. Don't worry. I still have yet to graduate college, get married, have kids, and publish a book. Those seem like they could potentially be high points as well.

  2. For those of you who don't know what Mrs. Lind is talking about:

  3. Mrs Lind, check out the latest Monday Question. I think you may like it.
