Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Question: What would you do if hit by a turkey?

Note: names have ommitted changed to protect identities and obscure the ignorance of the author.

So, a friend of my mom's had just been told her child had been in a car crash. She decides to go visit her child in the hospital. On the way there, a turkey jumps out in front of her car. This being Massachusetts, turkeys are quite common on the road, both the animal and humans who deserve to be called turkeys.

Anyway, the turkey is much closer than usual. So close, in fact, that she notices that it's in her windshield and she's covered in glass before she realizes it's a turkey. So she pulls over, and spends the next five or ten minutes "screaming at God." Her exact words.

Now, dear reader, what would you do?

PS: Again, I am sick this week. If you liked my previous offering (a review/rant) please let me know.

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