Now, as I write my story, I wonder if I have enough political issues for the story to keep going. I know my characters can interest me for a while. However, I want to hear some possible suggestions for my story. Like, how could my character get in trouble with the people? In what way could the US and Camaboise mutually piss each other off?
Also, I have been playing some Star Wars: The Old Republic and Just Cause 2. Both are huge games. However, I have played Just Cause 2 long enough to recommend it to anyone who would want to spend the day gleefully high-jacking helicopters and blowing military bases to teeny, tiny pieces. Also, it is surprisingly intelligent. In other words, it's almost as dumb as Congress instead of being dumber than Congress. It is on Steam for $15. Buy it now.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a different story. While still really good, I don't know if it is good enough to warrant its subscription price. Do yourself a favor, and have at least one really good friend who plays it before going out and buying it. It is that kind of game.
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