Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Question: What would you do if hit by a turkey?

Note: names have ommitted changed to protect identities and obscure the ignorance of the author.

So, a friend of my mom's had just been told her child had been in a car crash. She decides to go visit her child in the hospital. On the way there, a turkey jumps out in front of her car. This being Massachusetts, turkeys are quite common on the road, both the animal and humans who deserve to be called turkeys.

Anyway, the turkey is much closer than usual. So close, in fact, that she notices that it's in her windshield and she's covered in glass before she realizes it's a turkey. So she pulls over, and spends the next five or ten minutes "screaming at God." Her exact words.

Now, dear reader, what would you do?

PS: Again, I am sick this week. If you liked my previous offering (a review/rant) please let me know.

Friday, April 27, 2012

State of The Blog #7

Good news! I am feeling better, and hopefully will have you a story next week. For future reference, sinus infections suck. I would be more descriptive, but I am trying to create a less foul-mouthed, more intellectual image. I honestly don't know if I'm succeeding.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another Apology

I am sorry, but posting a story today is just not happening. I can barely screen-suck, in order to give you an idea of how sick I am. There will be something for you next week. I promise.

In the mean time, how about an analysis of Stan Lee's work that will probably prevent me from ever working at Marvel?

I take it from the rotten tomatoes, boos and jeerings that you're all fans of silver age comics. For those of you who aren't, please go out and read his stuff before taking my upstart, rascal opinion to heart.

For those of you who don't have any idea who Stan Lee is, he is the man who created such American superhero comics Thor, Iron Man, Spider Man, The X-Men, and many other characters. He was a bold, visionary man who did so much for comic books. His characters and themes have usually stood the test of time. Even some of the things that seemed like mistakes at the time, usually came back. For example, the X-Men were originally considered a fail.

However, I can't stand reading his comics. Maybe I'd have liked them better if I was born at the time, but writing wasn't one of his talents or strokes of genius. However, I would like to thank him for letting him let other writers for playing in his universe. For example, compare Essential Spiderman Volume #1 to Ultimate Spiderman Volume #1: Power and Responsibility. Seriously, do that before reading any further. Now that you've done that, I can safely give you my opinion that I like Brian Bendis and Peter David (see X-Factor.) Hopefully, I need not do any more explaining than that.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Nonsense

Well, this is embarassing. I don't have a question for you. Yesterday, I put the state of the blog up, and at least six of you read it. If you were one of those people, you know that I am going to be doing scholarship essays this week. So, I guess the question for this week is to ask what I should ask next week.

Oh, and in other news, I am going to Becker College.Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

State of the Blog #6

The thing about vacations is that they throw off your schedule. For example, I haven't been as diligent at maintaining this blog as I've said I'd be. There are other things I haven't been diligent about as well. Like a scholarship. I have eight days to complete it, so I'll be neglecting my blog for a few days. However, once it's done, I promise I'll get back to you guys.

In other news I have earned forty entire cents from advertisements! Maybe, if I do well enough, I will get a dollar next week!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let Us Answer a Question on Monday!

Now, as I write my story, I wonder if I have enough political issues for the story to keep going. I know my characters can interest me for a while. However, I want to hear some possible suggestions for my story. Like, how could my character get in trouble with the people? In what way could the US and Camaboise mutually piss each other off?

Also, I have been playing some Star Wars: The Old Republic and Just Cause 2. Both are huge games. However, I have played Just Cause 2 long enough to recommend it to anyone who would want to spend the day gleefully high-jacking helicopters and blowing military bases to teeny, tiny pieces. Also, it is surprisingly intelligent. In other words, it's almost as dumb as Congress instead of being dumber than Congress. It is on Steam for $15. Buy it now.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a different story. While still really good, I don't know if it is good enough to warrant its subscription price. Do yourself a favor, and have at least one really good friend who plays it before going out and buying it. It is that kind of game.

New Camaboise

New Camaboise up! Aaron's got an army now, and soon the army will have weapons! Now all he has to worry about is educating, protecting, feeding, and clothing his people. Hey, at least when Tio Saraos comes back with his army, Aaron can kick their butts into the Atlantic.

Friday, April 13, 2012

State of The Blog #5

So, as you can no doubt see, there have been some changes made to my blog. The site counter is in a different place, and there are also some social networking features added. However, one more change is coming: advertisements. Seeing as how my site got a hundred and sixty one visits last month (yay!) I hope this means I'll be making more than five cents a month soon.

I still plan on continuing the Camaboise story. Hopefully, I'll have more time for it over vacation. More time means improved quality, just so you know. If you don't like the story, however, please comment. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Camaboise

Aaron Solomon is back! It is the same day as last time, and Aaron is going inside the palace to meet with the Reo and discuss his duties. However, one of those duties is survival. If Aaron can't stop the ultra-nationalist group led by Tio Saraos, he's dead. Literally. Thankfully, Saraos hasn't started yet, giving Aaron a chance to plan.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dealing with Sickness

Hello, everyone. My head is hurting and my throat is sore. I also have a bunch of schoolwork, so this will be my post for Monday. If I haven't posted anything by Friday, consider this my excuse. Please don't feel ill-used, and stop reading.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Camaboise!

New Camaboise story! Aaron is becoming a Junior in high school. However, in order to get to his Junior year, he needs to survive being crowned king of Camaboise, a small island nation. In this story, he faces the first challenge to his rule: a party of extreme isolationists and their leader.

In reality, I am going to be changing the site around. I'll be adding some social networking features and changing the hit counter. Also, I will be adding ads. I need to pay for college somehow, and this seems like a fine way of doing it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Question

I am planning a site redesign soon. First off, the hits counter is showing the hits for all the site's history. I think I'm going to change it. Should I change it to one week or one month? Secondly, I will have ads. Please click on them occasionally. My plan is to have one at the top and one at the bottom. Is this reasonable? Please answer these questions in the comments section.