Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Playable Minorities in Videogames are Token Characters

Recently, I have been thinking about a fallacy in videogames. If you go on the website of some very well-intentioned and otherwise very intelligent people, you may notice a trend: these very well-intentioned people believe that by putting minorities as playable characters, that will... actually, I'm not sure what it will accomplish, according to them. It'll just be good.

In principle, I completely agree with them. However, some people (*cough* developers *cough*) believe that having a minority as a playable character automatically makes the game Politically Correct. However, I have noticed that it is rare to see a progressive (note: progressive does not equal politically correct) playable character that is also a minority and it is depressingly common to see a minority player character in a game that is quite clearly using that character as a meat shield to defend against protests of racism. To illustrate my point, I will make a list of games with playable characters who happen to be black. I would have chosen Jewish characters (as I'm Jewish,) but I can't think of a single Jewish character in a game.

Anyway, here are the games and their characters. See if you can guess the order they're in.