Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inside Rottweiler

Where last we left off, David Gould had figured out that he was being chased by the mercenary group known as Rottweiler Security. Instead of running away, however, David seems to be a bit more proactive.

This is where the book starts to really get into the action. I probably should have warned you before, but please, don't read it if you are under sixteen or don't like violence. However, if my warning doesn't apply to you, read away!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Can't think of anything

Hopefully, I'll have something to say by the end of this piece. It is ironic that the one time my room mate is sleeping is the time I want to do something loud. Sigh, this keyboard I'm using is too noisy....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Re-Continuing Silent Wars

So, the problem with what I had originally planned for this week was it didn't work. So, instead of re-writing it all at the last second, I decided to change to posting more Silent Wars instead. Now, this has several advantages for you. First off, I've written ahead in Silent Wars. By a lot. So I'm actually proof reading before I submit these stories for your enjoyment. Hopefully you can tell the difference.

But before we go off on this grand adventure once again, let's review where we left off. A group of teenagers break down in the Painted Desert. Oddly, it is right in front of the house of a strange man. This man then begins to tell a story about David Gould, an average fifteen-year-old until his family is murdered by an odd, yet professional kill team. David survives, due to gaining lightning fast reflexes, spontaneous martial arts skills, and access to several weapons.

However, his attackers aren't done with David yet. They have sent a team of mercenaries, led by the madman known as Riker, after David. One of them, Dennis, thinks he has the drop on David. This is where our story picks up...

UPDATE: To see previous segments, click here to see much of what I've posted online. Go ahead, its free.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Busy Week

Okay, so maybe I just forgot about The Monday Question yesterday. I am keeping busy though. Just with college work instead of blogging. I may end up having throttle back on posts to improve quality and so I actually have a chance to proof-read before I post.

Yes, I know I should do it. Part of the problem is I procrastinate a lot. The other part is that I don't have enough time even when I'm being diligent. That is if you leave out the part where I just don't proof-read. So, yeah, reading before I post is going to be a big thing in the future.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Essay Ever!

So, as you know, this week I've decided to do something a little different. I'm uploading my first essay I've written to entertain all you blog readers. Here it is.

I have something more important to tell you all though. Follow your dream(s). There are reasons, I admit, why you should give up on a dream: it can't pay the bills, it isn't worth alienating the people you love, etc. I guess that those may be acceptable reasons. But what is unacceptable is giving up because one asshole says "You aren't good enough." If you seriously believe them, then you need to tell yourself that you will get better. Or ask someone who is kind and constructive and cares about you instead of attacking at you from the shield of anonymity.

But don't give up the dream if the dream is a good one. And, most likely, your dream is good, otherwise you would have never dreamed it in the first place. Now go: bring peace, love, and something interesting to to this world.

Monday, September 10, 2012


So, here it is. The week of September 11th. A moment of me shutting up in respect of all the innocents and American Sevicepeople that died in the attack and our subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Now, back to our regularly scheduled "me talking about nothing!" When I was writing my weekly submission for the week, I didn't realize the important anniversary that was this week. Yeah, that's right. Plus, the piece I've written for the week is better suited for Halloween. Anyway, enough of my inconvenient first world problems, there's important stuff to talk about.

As I may have already stated on this blog, I was sent home early a certain beautiful Tuesday, eleven years and three hundred sixty four days ago. There may or may not have been a speech, but I don't remember. I gave mom a note, and (hopefully) went outside to play, happy to be out of school early. Apparently, it was a beautiful day. This is a paraphrase of the note:

We took the students aside and told them what happened. But don't worry: We didn't use the words "towers" or "planes."

Needless to say, I don't exactly remember what happened that day. However, I do know that this single event has changed my view of the world. As an author, I have to study human emotions and motivations. Therefore, I must ask myself, and everyone else, "Why? What could make  them want to fly airplanes into some of our greatest monuments and institutions, killing thousands upon thousands?" I suppose you can post your 9/11 stories below, but I think its way past time some average person thought about the motivations of the terrorists.

It'll be a beautiful day tomorrow. Just like it was twelve years ago. Go out and enjoy it, and remember those who can't. Or ignore it and let it be just another day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

State of the Blog #17

The state of the blog is that I am very tired. Apart from that, I have only a few announcements.

The first of which is that next month is Silent Wars Month! I will be posting all Silent Wars next month, following the destructive coast-to-coast rampage of Riker as he desperately tries to take down David Gould. Partly, this is because it was the most-viewed story for months. Partly because anythings better than Camaboise.

The next announcement: over the next few weeks I will be experimenting with essays and poetry. I know you come here for stories, but hopefully you'll like these. I hesitate to say "as well" as I have no clue if you like my stuff.

Third, and finally, I will be trying to attract readers around the college I go to. One of the ways I plan to do it is reading in my dorm's common area. It will probably a chapter from SW:LC. Also, I will be updating my works page, to make it easier to back track.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Final Camaboise!

Yes! It's done, and Aaron Solomon is leaving Camaboise until I have a mental lapse or people demand to see him again. Seriously, I love the idea I had here, but I hated executing it. I actually liked this last entry. However, some of it was a pain to write, especially near the end. Maybe I should change the style if I write anything in this universe again.

Well, we haven't heard from a certain other person. If you'll think back to the beginning of my blog, you'll remember a certain mysterious and dangerous individual...

We'll hear from him in October.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Threatening calls in the night: part 1 of ?

So, last night we (me and my two roomates) were showing each other various horror games. Dead Space 2 was first, at sometime in the afternoon. Slender came second, sometime after dark. Then came FEAR 2: Project Origin. We also spent a good time discussing who would win a fight: Alma or Slender Man. It was a little after this that the incident happened.

One of my roomates, who shall remain anonymous, got an unlisted phone call at around 10:30. It consisted of someone singing Ring Around the Rosie, and promising to "get him." I speculated that it could be from Alma. He laughed, didn't deny the possibility, and said that this was actually a relatively normal thing to happen to him.

Now for the Monday question: Should I be worried?