Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Tribute to Anton Chekov

Anton Chekov's stories are amazing. From drunk sadomasochists calling dogs socialists to constantly giving enemies, strangers, and friends knives then turning their backs, his characters are just so entertaining. They will gladly jump to false assumptions and gleefully plot the doom of themselves and others. They think they are racing straight to happiness, but instead find the exact opposite.

His version of police officers are completely different than how we Americans portray our police. Our police are almost always competent, though sometimes they are a little skimey. He portrays them almost always as bumbling buffoons, making assumptions and, consequently, making asses of themselves.

I seriously hope that my tribute won't make poor Doctor Chekov roll around in his grave, and maybe even impress him.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Question: What do you think of Chekov?

So, this week I am taking a break from Camaboise and doing something a little different. I am doing a story in the style of Anton Chekov's short stories. So, out of curiosity, I just want to know what everyone here thinks of/knows about Mr. Chekov: his writing, his politics, his life story, etc.

Also, later today, I am going to post some cool pictures I've taken while at college. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, August 24, 2012

State of the Blog #16

Site news first: If you look at the sidebar, you will notice it has changed. Now, no longer does it have my fellow bloggers, but also other places to find me and my work, including a handy-dandy index of many of my stories. You may notice that it does not include anything Camaboise. That is because I would like to forget Camaboise.

In other words, I am arriving at college tomorrow. If you need me, I'll be getting an education there, or writing on this site and Facebook. Actually, I'll probably just be playing Marvel Avengers Alliance on Facebook trying to obtain the White Queen before time runs out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Three more to go!

If all goes as planned, this should be the third to last Camaboise! Of course, things sometimes don't go the way I plan (like how Covetous morphed from three to six parts) but I doubt that will happen here.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Is this not the silliest car ad ever?

Before you read any farther, click here. Then watch the video. Isn't this the most hilarious car ad of all time?

Friday, August 3, 2012

State of The Blog #15

I admit, I have been hardly working this week. However I have started a video tutorial that may be of interest. If you have ever wanted to fool around with something like Audacity, this will give you some idea on where to start. So far, I have two out of three parts done, but it gives you a good idea of how to do it.